Monday 2 February 2015

Banish the January blues at the Navy! Words and Pictures: Dave Whiteman

It’s official. 

Don’t just take my word for it, but January is the worst month of the year. 

After all the excitement building up to Christmas and then the New Year, the bleakness of January really hits home. Whether it is the rubbish weather, the fact that we spent up during the festive season, or just that the holidays seem a LONG way away, we are all, officially, down this month. One way to beat the blues is to get yourselves down the Royal Naval Association for the weekly Newport Open Mic, where you will always find a warm welcome and a healthy dose of enthusiasm!

I have been shouting from the rooftops lately about the young talent that is Olly Flavell. He has matured over the last couple of years into a prolific songwriter and a superb performer. His set this week was all self- penned and featured a great opener in ‘I want you too’. He looks a lot more confident on stage these days, perhaps due to the number of performances he makes around the area. If you missed him at the Navy, try and get to the Royal Oak in Gnosall, on Thursday evenings…you won’t be disappointed.

Eighteen years old, Mitch Brooks from Lilleshall made his debut at last week’s Open Mic and nice to see him back playing at the Navy again. It was almost as if he was testing the water last time, playing Ed Sheeran with just his acoustic guitar. This week he supplemented that with a loop pedal and the effect was simply superb. ‘You need me, I don’t need you’ was pretty good first time out, but looping different rhythms and riffs took this to a new level. Another very talented young man. 

I was beginning to feel quite old as Penkridge brothers Jack& Jordi James, 17 and 15 respectively came on the stage, making their first appearance at the club. For all you budding songwriters out there, it’s worth pointing out the importance of a couple of covers. You may want to play YOUR music all night, but have to accept that it may not be as memorable as a chart hit. The lads mixed it up well, sandwiching a very nice self- penned song, ‘Leaving’ in between a couple of cracking covers. Leave ‘em with a fast one is a good motto to follow and ‘I bet you look good on the dance floor’ had the audience singing along, tapping their feet and wanting more.

Time to redress the age balance a little bit and when local drumming legend Paul Crewe invited me to play a few numbers with him, how could I refuse? With ‘Grandad’ Dave on guitar and vocals, drummer Paul young (or old) enough to be my son, and bassist Olly Flavell the Grandson, this three generational ‘Scratch House Band’ worked through the Phil Collin’s classic ‘In the Air Tonight’ which featured not only great drumming on just a pair of bongos, but also nice comic timing from Paul. Follow ups from Stereophonics and Crowded House showed that you don’t necessarily need to know the songs to well, to give great accompaniment on bass….well done Olly.

It was almost at the end of the evening as newcomers Jack and Jordi collaborated with Mitch Brooks once again to rock us out for the night and send everyone home happy. All that was needed was a little bit of percussion, so step forward soundman Jonathan Newton……no mean drummer himself, and the second Scratch House Band was complete. I like moments like these…..quite often players have no idea how the audience will react, but rest assured, in the Navy it is always positive. These young lads really seemed to enjoy themselves on stage and I would not be surprised to see them doing something similar again.

So there you are. A cold, wet miserable January evening outside, but inside, a brilliant antidote to those blues at the Newport Open Mic. None of it would be possible however without the volunteers who lift the kit down from the loft every Tuesday around 7pm and set up the stage. 
The helpers seem to be few and far between of late and it is often left to just a couple of people to do the heavy work. Your help is needed and would be greatly appreciated. Please please don’t be to embarrassed to ask….just come down at 7pm and join in!

Till next time, keep it live!


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